GTX 560 Ti Product series
3Dmark 11 Free

Rendimiento impecable

Presentamos lo último en aceleradores gríficos de alto rendimiento: EVGA GeForce GTX 560 Ti. Esta tarjeta le permite descubrir los mundos de DirectX 11 increíblemente detallados con el rendimiento de teselación que acaba con la competencia. Sin mencionar que también ofrece aumentos de mís del triple en el rendimiento general en comparación con las generaciones anteriores*. Sin embargo, no se trata apenas de velocidad, EVGA GeForce GTX 560 Ti le brinda NVIDIA Surround, 3D Vision, PhysX, SLI y mucho mís.

Never settle for second best!

EVGA delivers superior performance, cooling, warranty and software!

Think all GeForce GTX 560 Ti cards are the same? Guess again. Experience the EVGA difference with the EVGA GTX 560 Ti FPB and Superclocked cards. These cards feature superior components over other manufacturers, which means better overclocking, performance, and temperatures in addition to EVGA's exclusive software and warranties.

Experience the EVGA Difference!

  EVGA GTX 560 Ti FPB and Superclocked Other Brands
Basic Design Genuine GTX 560 Ti Design GTX 460 Conversion
Power Phases 4 Phase GPU Power 3+1 Phase GPU Power
PCB Layers 8 6
Overclock Capability Excellent Good
Overclock Stability Excellent Good
Cooling Design
3x Heatpipes
Memory Cooling
VREG Heatsink Cooling
2x Heatpipes
No Memory Cooling
No VREG Heatsink
Fanspeed Adjustments 30-100% 40-70%
Special Edition Precision

© 2010 NVIDIA Corporation. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

*en comparación con GeForce 8800 GT

Article Viewed: 6086 times since 1/25/2011